Soon opens carp fishing, and for those who want to try this cute cyprinid fish, without becoming an adept of the carp-fishing with all the tools dedicated to pure, acoustic signals, rod pods and other wonders from the English name, I suggest try the hair rig to the batter. I honestly do not know if there is on the market, but it is easy to prepare. Using a harmonic steel wire with a diameter of about 0.50 and a round nose pliers, is preparing a kind of small springs like that of the photo, which will keep the ball very close to the hook of the batter, start by tying two feet a thin braid to our small springs, and then tie the hook with a "no node" which is a particular how to tie the hook eye to the hair rig, well described on this site carp fishing a piece of tubing will complete the work. Work better if the batter will be quite substantial, in order to withstand the onslaught of fish for some time, however, that trying to crumble around, contribute to the aroma and can attract the attention of any passing carp.
This method still requires a minimum of baiting, and we have more satisfying after a day of fishing. Fishing with the hair rig, carp, with its unique way of eating, breathing and excreting the ball of batter will prick easily with the hook free, then try to retreat and that is why it is critical that the lead is fixed, so do stop by allowing the hook to penetrate deeper into the lip of the fish.
Now the carp have a strong and clearly need a reel with a bait runner or the clutch wide open if you do not want to see disappear into the water and our equipment.
after capture, Slam easily because the carp will always love her in the lip, and never in my throat
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