BLACKMAIL defend ourselves ....
The only way to avoid blackmail is to immediately notify the Police or Private Investigative Agency. A
advice we can give to avoid being in such a situation is, to the extent possible, avoid exposure to too visible to strangers.
is clear that this does not preclude a priori the possibility of becoming a victim of blackmail.
intrusion alarm systems and anti-theft and anti-robbery.
In trade there are many alarm systems available. Ask MATEX SECURITY .335314926 phone or to a retailer for the purchase and installing an alarm system safely and effectively.
Some alarm systems useful:
* The external control device is activated when a window or door is opened or damaged
* The internal monitoring system indicates the movements in the premises or contact with individual objects
* The alarm systems can scare away burglars with optical or acoustic signals, or trick them with systems silent and imperceptible
* Wherever you are, on the public highway, in a building, bus stop, in a department store, pay attention to the environment and people around you.
* The feelings of fear and anxiety are signs of weakness. Assume an air of calm and secure. This will protect you from the attention of potential thieves.
* Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid it, away from the place or the person in question.
* Know the environment in which you live and work? Locate the nearest emergency services, public telephones, information on the timing of opening and closing of shops and public.
* Do not display large amounts of money or other valuables, like purses and jewelry. If you can, put your wallet in an inside pocket of his jacket, or in a front pocket of his trousers. The bag must be kept close to his body, and should always be closed.
* Dress the way you like is a right, but avoid that this be an impediment to the movement.
* Reduce stress behind the wheel starting early enough, and creating a comfortable interior.
* Do not drive aggressively. This state is easily perceived by other drivers, putting them at ease and trying to do things obstructionist and therefore dangerous. If you are confronted with an aggressive driver, do not attempt eye contact; keep your distance and not get involved.
* Do not get upset if you get slowed down by drivers especially cautious. Do not use the horn as a war cry, but only to signal danger.
* Always close windows and doors locked when in parking lots, even if you step away for a moment or a short period. Take a look around when you leave and when you reach the car.
* Avoid parking in isolated areas and badly lit. Never leave valuables in view.
* Never use your mobile phone if you are driving, but be equipped with a microphone. If you really can not do without, stopped at a rest area or a parking lot. Driving with a cell phone in hand is prohibited and punishable by law.
* Ignore the mailbox when you're leaving the house, and put the keys. Some people just waiting for this moment to read your name and identify a potential apartment to rob.
* Always close the door, even if you're at home, even if you leave only a minute to go in the laundry. There is always someone who knows how to take advantage of the situation!
* Reach the entrance door of the house or the door of your vehicle with the keys ready in hand. The neighborhood
Know your neighbors. The respect and mutual understanding there safety awareness in the neighborhood where we live. In particular pay attention to: *
strangers who look through windows or the windows of cars parked
unusual noises * *
cars and trucks moving slowly with no clear purpose or with the lights off
still unknown * driving, or stop to talk to a child
* cars, motorcycles abandoned
In all these cases reported the incident to police. Give your name and address. What happened, when, where, and who was involved?
Describe the suspect: sex and race, age, height, build, hair color, the way they dress, specific characteristics such as mustaches, beards, tattoos, scars or special accents used in expressing themselves.
Describe the vehicles involved: plate, color, make and model, and specific characteristics such as stickers, dents, scratches.
Violence * Violence is a learned behavior. Like any learned behavior can be changed. Remember that in itself, violence solves nothing, it only heightens the problems.
* Who you deal with violence is likely going through a difficult period, or will still have one or more problems to solve. You feel isolated and despised. Try to remove the person from the situation that triggered his violent reaction.
* If you feel in danger of violence, contact the police, do not wait I'irrimediabile. Especially do not trust in violence or a weapon to protect yourself.
* Anger and frustration do not justify violent behavior. If you often feel angry and frustrated, learn how to talk to your family, or your best friend, or call 335314926 dr.Leonardo that will advise and help as best as possible.
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