Nowadays, frequenting the same places, or you can not see the shadow of a pike, which is by far the most likely thing, or with 'success is now jumping out of the Luccioni. The pike are almost extinct in my part. Depend on the competition, torpedoes in the first place, but also reels and why, contending that the little forage fish left, missing the rudd that infested the oxbows, missing the blue bream, pests sun perch, the roach, roaches disappeared almost completely and gudgeon, replaced by bitterness and Gambusia rodeo. Surely there were more
pike, and even great, just like they know all the fans spinning, in a hole if there are several pike, it will be difficult to arrive before the biggest on the artificial, as are those under kg to be more aggressive (and less conservative), the Luccioni difficult to chase the bait for more than a meter or two, you have to throw the lure close to his alleged lair, find the open or in hunting, in these rare occasions is very aggressive and imprudent, but more than forty years of wandering, I happened to be two or three times.
In fact, during my solitary walks with a cane and spoon, never met anyone, I have almost no competition, I come from spinning pays little, if you want to start today with this technique, after three or four coats in a row, would hardly be tempted to repeat the experience, I do not care, I do even ten times a vacuum and then build a new artificial and can not wait to go try it, because I'm sure that somewhere, hidden beneath a branch , there is a huge pike that awaits.
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